Portrat - V/A - Music - MEMBRAN - 4011222327765 - 2012
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10 CD

Media Music     CD   (Compact Disc)
Number of discs 10
Composer 10cd
Released 2012
EAN/UPC 4011222327765
Label MEMBRAN MBNE2232776.2
Genre Classical
Dimensions 555 g   (Weight (estimated))

Track list

  1. 1.   CD  

    1. Addison, Adele - Der Messias Hwv 56 (Oratorium) (G
    2. Sinfonia (1. Teil)
    3. Comfort Ye, My People
    4. Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted
    5. And the Glory of the Lord
    6. Thus Saith the Lord
    7. But Who May Abide
    8. And He Shall Purify
    9. Behold, a Virgin Shall Conceive
    10. O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion
    11. For Unto US a Child is Born
    12. Pifa
    13. There Were Shepherds
    14. And Io! the Angel of the Lord Came Upon Them
    15. And the Angel Said Unto Them
    16. And Suddenly There Was with the Angel
    17. Glory to God
    18. Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zion
    19. Than Shall the Eyes of the Blind Be Opened
    20. He Shall Feed His Flock
    21. Lift Up Your Head
    22. Why Do the Nations
    23. Let US Break Their Bonds Asunder
    24. He That Dwelleth in Heaven
    25. Thou Shalt Break Them
    26. Hallelujah!
  2. 2.   CD  

    1. Behold the Lamb (2. Teil)
    2. He Was Despised
    3. And with His Stripes We Are Healed
    4. All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray
    5. All They That See Him
    6. He Trusted in God
    7. Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart
    8. Behold, & See if There Be Any Sorrow
    9. He Was Cut off
    10. I Know That My Redeemer Liveth
    11. Since by Man Came Death
    12. Behold, I Tell You a Mystery
    13. The Trumpet Shall Sound
    14. Worthy is the Lamb; Blessing & Honour, Glory and
  3. 3.   CD  

    1. Berliner Philharmoniker - Wassermusik Suite Nr. 1
    2. 1. Ouverture
    3. 2. Adagio
    4. 3. Allegro - Andante - Allegro
    5. 4. Menuet
    6. 5. Air
    7. 6. Menuet
    8. 7. Bourree
    9. 8. Hornpipe
    10. 9. Andante
    11. 10. Allegro Moderato
    12. 11. Hornpipe
    13. 12. Menuet
    14. 13. Aria
    15. 14. Lentement
    16. 15. Air
    17. 16. Menuet
    18. 17. Menuet
    19. 18. Andante Moderato
    20. 19. Andante
    21. 20. Coro
  4. 4.   CD  

    1. Berliner Philharmoniker - Feuerwerksmusik Hwv 351
    2. 1. Ouverture
    3. 2. Bourree
    4. 3. La Paix: Largo Alla Siciliana
    5. 4. La Rejouissance: Allegro
    6. 5. Menuet I
    7. 6. Menuet II
    8. Beecham, Sir Thomas - the Great Elopement Suite (A
    9. 1. Pump Room
    10. 2. the Linleys
    11. 3. Hunting Dance
    12. 4. Love Scene
    13. 5. the Weary Flunkies
    14. 6. the Plot
    15. 7. Sarabande
    16. 8. Hornpipe
    17. 9. Intermezzo
    18. 10. Gigue
    19. 11. Beau Nash
    20. 12. Second Love Scene
  5. 5.   CD  

    1. Campoli, Alfredo - Sonate Fuer Violine Und Basso C
    2. 1. Andante
    3. 2. Allegro
    4. 3. Adagio
    5. 4. Allegro
    6. Campoli, Alfredo - Sonate Fuer Violine Und Basso C
    7. 1. Andante
    8. 2. Allegro
    9. 3. Adagio
    10. 4. Allegro
    11. Campoli, Alfredo - Sonate Fuer Violine Und Basso C
    12. 1. Adagio
    13. 2. Allegro
    14. 3. Largo
    15. 4. Allegro
    16. Campoli, Alfredo - Sonate Fuer Violine Und Basso C
    17. 1. Affettuoso
    18. 2. Allegro
    19. 3. Larghetto
    20. 4. Allegro
    21. Campoli, Alfredo - Sonate Fuer Violine Und Basso C
    22. 1. Adagio
    23. 2. Allegro
    24. 3. Largo
    25. 4. Allegro
    26. Campoli, Alfredo - Sonate Fuer Violine Und Basso C
    27. 1. Adagio
    28. 2. Allegro
    29. 3. Largo
    30. 4. Allegro
  6. 6.   CD  

    1. Akademisk Orkester - Israel in Aegypten Hwv 54 (Or
    2. Prelude
    3. The Sons of Israel Do Mourn
    4. He Put O Righteousness
    5. How is the Mighty Fall'n
    6. He Deliver'd the Poor That Cried
    7. His Body is Buried in Peace
    8. The People Will Tell of Their Wisdom
    9. The Meryful Goodness of the Lord
    10. Now There Arose
    11. And the Children of Israel Sigh'd
    12. Then Sent He Moses
    13. They Loathed to Drink
    14. Their Land Brought Forth Frogs
    15. He Spake the Word
    16. He Gave Them Hailstones for Rain
    17. He Send a Thick Darkness
    18. He Smote All the Firstborn
    19. But As for His People
    20. Egypt Was Glad
    21. He Rebuked the Red Sea
    22. He Led Them Trough the Deep
    23. But That Waters Overwhelmed
    24. And Israel Saw That Great Work
    25. And Believed the Lord
  7. 7.   CD  

    1. Moses & the Children of Israel
    2. I Will Sing Unto the Lord
    3. The Lord is My Strength & My Song
    4. He is My God
    5. And I Will Exalt Him
    6. The Lord is a Man of War
    7. The Depths Have Cover'd Them
    8. Thy Righty Hand, O Lord
    9. And in the Greatness
    10. Thou Sentest Forth Thy Wrath
    11. And with the Blast of Thy Nostris
    12. The Enemy Said
    13. Thou Didst Blow with the Wind
    14. Who is Like Unto Thee, O Lord, Among the Gods
    15. The Earth Swallowed Them
    16. Thou in Thy Mercy
    17. The People Shall Hear
    18. Thou Shalt Bring Them in
    19. The Lord Shall Reign Forever & Ever
    20. For the Horse of the Pharaoh
    21. The Lord Shall Reign
    22. And Miriam the Prophetess
    23. Sing Ye to the Lord
  8. 8.   CD  

    1. Boult, Adrian - Samson Hwv 57 (Oratorium) (Auszug)
    2. Return, O God of Hosts
    3. Boult, Adrian - Der Messias Hwv 56 (Oratorium) (Au
    4. O T Hou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion
    5. Boult, Adrian - Judas Maccabaeus Hwv 63 (Oratorium
    6. Father of Heaven
    7. Boult, Adrian - Der Messias Hwv 56 (Oratorium) (Au
    8. He Was Despised
    9. Orchestra of det Unge Tonekunstnerselskab - Der Me
    10. Comfort Ye
    11. Every Valley
    12. Braithwaite, Warwick - Serse Hwv 40 (Xerxes, Oper
    13. Ombra Mai Fu
    14. Hotter, Hans - Giulio Cesare Hwv 17 (Julius Caesar
    15. Dall'ondoso Periglio... Aure, Deh Per Pieta
    16. Hotter, Hans - Joshua (Josua) Hwv 64 (Oratorium) (
    17. Soll Ich in Mamres Segens Au'n
    18. Hotter, Hans - Samson Hwv 57 (Oratorium) (Auszug)
    19. Wie Willig Traegt Mein Vaterherz Aus
  9. 9.   CD  

    1. Deller, Alfred - Sosarme, Re Di Media Hwv 30 (Oper
    2. Overture
    3. Di Mio Padre Al Furore (1. Akt)
    4. Rendi'l Sereno Al Ciglio
    5. Giusti Numi... Forte Inciampo Al Suo Furore
    6. Melo, Mio Prence... fra L'ombre E Gl'orrori Farfal
    7. Come Piu Dell'usato
    8. Si, Si Minaccia, E Vinta L'ira
    9. Non Piu Contese... La Turba Adulatrice
    10. Amici, Troppo Oscuro Torpe Il Valor Nascosto
    11. Dite Pace, E Fulminante
    12. Padre, Germano, E Sposo Di Voi (2. Akt)
    13. Ebben Dall'alta Torre
    14. Se M'ascolti. E Udir Potrei?
    15. Padre, Signor!
    16. Se Discordia Ci Disciolse
    17. E Cosi Tu Disprezza La Tua Propria Grandezza?... S
    18. Quanto Piu Melo Ha Sdegno... Sento Il Cor Che Liet
    19. Con Si Bella Ferita, Caro
  10. 10.   CD  

    1. Per Le Porte Del Tormento Passan L'anime a Gioir
    2. Signor, Tuo Regio Sangue Di Bellona Smorzo L'infau
    3. Alle Sfere Della Gloria Alza I Vanni Un Nobil Cor
    4. La Pace Sdegnerai?
    5. Vado, Vado Al Campo a Combatter Col Pianto
    6. Mio Sposo, Ahi Qual Orro... in Mille Dolci Modi Al
    7. Parmi Ch'un Dolce Raggio... Vola L'augello Del Car
    8. Mi Segue La Regina, Aiuto, O Prodi! (3. Akt)
    9. S'io Cadro Per Tuo Consiglio
    10. Melo, Dov'e L Tuo Zelo?... Cuor Di Madre E Cuor Di
    11. Per La Segreta Porta Del Real Giardino
    12. M'opporro Da Generoso All'indegna Orrida Impresa
    13. Correte Pur a Fiumi Amare Lacrime... Vorrei, Ne Pu
    14. Altomaro, Si Renda Libero Lo Steccato
    15. Tiene Giove in Mano Il Folgore
    16. Ah, Padre!
    17. Tu Caro, Caro Sei Il Dolce Mio Tesoro
    18. Dopo L'ire Si Funeste Dell'amore Splenda La Face